Chapter 8 Multiple Linear Regression
Sometimes one independent variable just doesn’t cut it.
A Multiple Regression Model is a direct extension of the Simple Regression Model by adding additional independent variables. Adding additional independent variables allows the regression to use more information when trying to explain movements in the single dependent variable. In other words, multiple independent variables can explain changes in the dependent variable along different dimensions.
The multiple regression model has a lot in common with the simple regression model.
It is still solved via OLS. The first-order conditions are a bit more complicated than those stemming from a simple regression, but they are conceptually the same.
It still contains an intercept term and a residual term.
This is still a line equation - only it is a multi-dimensional line equation (i.e., a plane in the case of two dimensions).
The only significant change we need to make is with respect to interpretation of the slope coefficients. These slope coefficients still deliver the expected or average change in the dependent variable given a unit change in an independent variable. However, since we are looking at multiple independent variables simultaneously, we need to be explicit that we are examining these relationships one independent variable at a time. In other words, when we examine the relationship between the dependent variable and a particular independent variable, we need to explicitly state that we are holding all other independent variables constant.
\[\beta_k=\frac{\Delta Y_i}{\Delta X_{ki}}\]
In the population: a PRF slope coefficient indicates the EXPECTED or AVERAGE change in the dependent variable associated with a one-unit increase in the explanatory variable holding the other explanatory variables constant.
\[\hat{\beta}_k=\frac{\Delta Y_i}{\Delta X_{ki}}\]
In the sample: a SRF slope coefficient indicates the expected or average change in the dependent variable associated with a one-unit increase in the explanatory variable holding the other explanatory variables constant.